I posted an “Irony Alert” on the front page of the site — that even though we were behind schedule on writing articles for this project, we had to commit all spare time to cleaning out the house because it sold much more quickly than anticipated. Well, we are out, and gearing up to write again! The lesson here can help if you want to try Residential Cruising …or otherwise simplifying your life
Randy Cassingham
Can You Afford Residential Cruising?
That was one of the first questions we asked ourselves.
Life At Sea: Can You Really Live for $30,000?
As recently as late June 2023, Fortune magazine was touting Life At Sea Cruises’ $30,000/year 3-year cruise, and “all inclusive” at that. Is that real?
It All Started with StoryLines
The pitch was, “For a cool $1 million, you can fulfill your dreams of spending life at sea indefinitely.” But….
The GrandMama of Residential Cruising
Lee Wachtstetter and her husband, Mason, liked to cruise: they did 89 journeys together, starting in 1962, to the Bahamas. “The day before my husband died of cancer in 1997, he told me, ‘Don’t stop cruising’,” she said in 2015. She is one of the first modern Residential Cruisers.