It IS Possible to Live Aboard Cruise Ships Full Time

…but there is a trick to it.

Who is “we”? Kit and Randy Cassingham, longtime online writers and publishers. In this photo from our 2014 cruise to Alaska, we’re choppering out to see the Mendenhall glacier during a trip on the Norwegian Pearl.

We are just getting started — on this web site, and on our own Residential Cruising adventure.

If you’re new to the idea of Residential Cruising, or just want to get grounded, start with The Basics, and then go through the Articles, both of which are listed in the navigation at the top.

So you don’t have to keep checking back for new articles, subscribe to our mailing list and get notifications using the form in the sidebar. This won’t send you articles (or ads), but will just let you know when there is a new article or post, usually at the rate of a couple per week now that we are pretty well geared up.

Irony Alert

We were already way behind on posting articles and the results of our research because… we had to very quickly clean out our house since it sold much more quickly than expected. We are finally starting to catch up on everything.

Get ready for your new adventure, and let us know if you have questions or something you want us to cover in upcoming Residential Cruising articles.