Kit has been getting cranky at the wait in Belfast, and we got the news that it would be another week before we could board Odyssey and get going on our trip. “I really want to walk,” she said.
Reporters: Contact before using resources here, please.
Happy to give fresh interviews.
Readers: Previous/Next Story links are under the Author Box. Enjoy!
She said it again over dinner Wednesday. “Then why don’t you walk to Dublin?” I said, knowing it was a 100-mile trek. “If we get word that we can board, you can jump on the train or bus and be back here in a few hours.”

She immediately brightened as she grabbed her phone and pulled up a map. “I’ll leave first thing Friday!” But as she thought about it, Dublin didn’t seem quite right. “We’ve been there several times,” she said as she looked at her map. “I’d rather go to Derry.” It’s not quite as far — about 70 miles. For her, it would be an easy 5 days.
Richard and his wife were with us. “I’ll go with you!” he said. Villa Vie had found an apartment for us: we’ve been here for nearly 3 months now. We took in another couple from the ship, from Colorado, who had only planned to sail to Iceland. When Iceland was struck from the itinerary due to the delays, they went home, and we took in another couple, Richard and Dusty, from Florida.
“OK,” Kit said, as she started making a list of the things she needed to get together for the trip.
The Walker

Kit’s a long-time walker: she has walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain — twice — once from France, 500 miles; once from Portugal, 250 miles. She recently walked from Rome to Assisi — alone.
A walk, she reasoned, would demonstrate that we Residents are not stranded, as the press has been saying recently. The whole idea of the Odyssey trip is grand adventure for us, and Kit simply decided to have another one while we are waiting.
“We can call it your Ireno,” I said, in a nod to her Camino adventures. She grinned.
We’re in a phase that we’re not allowed on the ship, so Kit called someone on staff and asked if he could go into our cabin and get her a few things: her favorite walking hat, which she has worn on all her Caminos. A large water bottle.
“Oh,” Richard said. “Could he grab my hat too?” Najam agreed, and said he’d send it all to the guard shack at the ship repair yard, where the Odyssey is parked, at 8:00 a.m. on Friday.
“Leaving from the ship is perfect,” Kit said.
On Their Way
This morning, Richard called a taxi to take us there. I went along to get a photo of the start. As with her Caminos, I’ll be keeping Kit’s fans updated as to their progress. (Note subscription box for new post notifications.) May as well get some new fans for Richard, too: he blogs at Ric The Traveler.

They got going at 8:15 …and at 9:30 I got a phone call: a reporter wanting to know where they were so she could meet them and get an interview. I looked at the map to see they were well over a mile down the road. I relayed that to the reporter, and gave her Kit’s direct number so she could get an update once she got close. And then called Kit to give her a heads up.
That’s one of the things about all the “stranded” publicity: the people of Belfast are well aware of us now — the “Ship People” are a conversation starter around here. All we need to say is “we’re from the ship” and they know …and brighten up, so happy they got to meet some Ship People!
“Hope you get to leave soon!” they say. We hope so too, after a quick look at Derry.
Originally Published September 13, 2024 — Last Updated September 14, 2024
Are you guys sharing air bnbs?
Just air. They can afford to have their own rooms. -rc
I knew you were crazy! 🤪 Be safe.
You were right! (For others, David is a fellow Resident we’ve spent time with). -rc
Long time readers/fans of Randy & Kit are well aware of their craziness. We love them and their craziness & thoroughly enjoy all of it. 😁
Yeah, David. Sheesh. -rc
She will miss the ship! Arrrggghhh!
Nah: read it again. We definitely will be included on that adventure when it finally starts! -rc
¡Buen viaje! Bom viagem!
I have to ask — Did the future residents of Villa Vie vote someone off the ship? Did you sign non-disclosure agreements? Is Villa Vie no longer paying for your hotel rooms?
I do hope you get going soon so the naysayers can be silenced. But if the answers to the above are all true, then I admit I’m beginning to wonder….
1) No. Consider you saw one side as reported by disgruntled people; reporters do necessarily have to pick and choose which quotes they use to direct their narratives. 2) Residents have not generally signed NDAs; Kit and I did so we could see the financials as part of our due diligence before giving them any money after the VCL ripoff. It is indeed “non-disclosure” and there’s nothing in it about “disparagement.” 3) Again, a twisted headline-bait story: we are asked to deal with our own reservations as it was too much for staff to continue doing lodging updates. The company has confirmed they will continue to reimburse us as needed. Conclusion: “the answers to all of the above” are definitely far from “all true,” even if #2 technically is in our case. Remember that some talking with reporters are trying to get sympathy for specific gripes, and not everything they say is apt to be true or the full story. As for THIS story, I’ll be noting in subsequent “Ireno” reports what I think of any news stories about it! -rc
1) True according to the CEO, actually 2 people including myself ….
I’m cutting this off right there. You may believe this, Jenny, but it’s absolutely FALSE that any of the residents “voted” you, or anyone else, off the ship. Your contract was terminated by management without ANY consultation with Residents, “founding” (as I believe the Independent put it) or otherwise. We weren’t even notified of the action by the company, but rather by other Residents you were presumably in contact with. When a few expressed dismay that the action was taken, others expressed relief that your negative and disruptive posts, which you were asked repeatedly to stop making, would cease on our internal channels. Only after this, after questions to management, did they post to confirm that the action was taken with two individuals, without naming names. After that, an informal POLL was taken among residents asking whether the termination should be reversed. The result was quite strongly negative, and perhaps that is what the CEO was referring to; I don’t know. But I do know there is no “statistical validity” to even that poll since only a few weighed in. In any case, I will not host any further debate about this issue on this site. -rc
Excellent! I commented that folks ought to hear a different perspective by checking out your blog. Hopefully new readers will be coming onboard.
Randy, I’m sorry my comment resulted in that response. Please feel free to remove my questions and the replies that followed.
Really not a problem: a couple of readers have asked, and with the media’s preoccupation with negative stories (“An around-the-world cruise that’s stuck at port is kicking off passengers who complain” claims Business Insider in an absolute lie), it needs a response from a level-headed perspective. -rc
What fun! Will you helicopter over to Derry to greet them when they arrive?
What, and leave my hidden lair?! -rc
I thought that term walkabout was uniquely Australian. Regardless, GO KIT, what a girl. Enjoy.
It may have started as an Aussie concept, but many of your country’s cultural touchpoints have been exported by such celebrities as Paul Hogan and Steve Irwin. Off to the outback! -rc
The term is so common nowadays that there used to be a shoe store in Berkeley called Walkabout. The Aussies do language right!
I can empathise with Kit. The waiting around must be frustrating for her. At least you have your work Randy.
The five days of fresh air will revitalise and give strength for however much longer you have til sail-away.
If I’m not mistaken, Kit continues her work too. Randy, please confirm.
It’s just she doesn’t have the deadlines Randy has to deal with.
A good clarification, Linda. While she doesn’t blog anymore, she does obviously do some of the writing here, and continues her work as a coach, including a session last night, which is why she waited until today to leave on this walkabout! -rc
I knew I loved Kit for a reason. She is my kind of people. Can’t wait to read about every step of this journey. Thanks for sharing.
Angela is another of our fellow residents. She and her husband run the Youtube channel, Midlife Cruising. -rc
There are 3 kinds of people. Those who see half full glass, those who see half empty glass, and those of us who see a completely full glass, even if it’s just full of air it’s full of something! You ARE full glass people! Very smart to create your own adventure! I have wondered if once on board (or possibly already), residents will make clubs and groups of like minded hobbyists. Hikers could create challenges for their club to complete hikes around the world as you travel from port to port. If you do anything like that I’d love to hear about it! Have fun!
Yes, there are already interest groups. The one I started is for writers (or wanna bes). -rc
I second Helene here: Kit’s walkabout is the best implementation: even when the cup is empty of water, it’s still full of air. Off she goes, we’re all first timers here for this life: Walk about is the way to go, doesn’t matter from where to where. Go Kit!
Happy trails! Perfect balm for a restless Kit. I love living vicariously through both your posts on your adventures.
Kim is one of our longtime friends from our Colorado home. She won’t be surprised to learn we miss our mountains. -rc
Sounds like a fun interlude, as do most aspects of the delay period to date.
Matt is one of my cohorts in the 911 Board world. It’s sunup in Western Colorado! 🙂 -rc
Fantastic adventure! Will be watching for the updates! Great mitigation plans, and an interesting way to get to know a fellow traveler.
Based on your response to one of the comments above, I assume The Independent’s story in the last day or two is a lot of bunk?
I looked at it yesterday. Without going back to wade through it a second time, I would again go with “one side as reported by disgruntled people”. -rc
Great story, I would love to do that walk!
What kind of sneakers does Kit wear, perhaps she could get an endorsement?
She exclusively wears Xero Prios for her treks. A Colorado brand, of course! (Jill is one of our friends from our Colorado home.) -rc
Splendid idea, Kit! Buono Ireno!
Being an inherently lazy person, the idea of deliberately setting out to walk 70 miles (let alone 500!) kinda blows my mind! Bravo for having the good sense to remain in your lair, like a good couch potato!
Wow! What a genius idea! One stone, many birds: 1. Action speaks louder than words, this the best response to “being stranded”. 2. Cheer up to all the fellow ship people, stir the pot. 3. Great booster for Kit! Kit will be back to being Kit! 4. Inspire people who still look for excuse to exercise: even when you are in an unknown scenario like this: in a new place at the new era of life, you can still walk about, which is the most organic work out! Go Kit!
Excellent insights, Jia, as is typical of you! -rc
Walking and talking to Derry. Please solve all the world problems and Odyssey problems as you walk! I’m so proud to say you are my neighbor!
Well, they can’t solve ALL the problems! It’s only 70 miles, not 70 billion miles. -rc
Hope this beautiful Belfast weather cooperates. lol
The first day sure couldn’t have been much better! -rc
I also love walking, so her solution to frustration resonates with me completely. Look forward to her journey as well as your upcoming longer one. Thank you for your posts.
I’m loving following your journey (to be) but just wondered if the Residential Cruise company will be reimbursing Kit for her stays on her walk, since you are already in an apartment they are reimbursing you for?
Obviously, you don’t have to go into details of your financial affairs, but the question just came to my mind.
Bain sult as do shiúlóid. (Enjoy your walk!)
We wouldn’t even consider asking for that, and if we did they shouldn’t even consider paying for it. -rc
😱😱😱😱 A 5-day walk??? You guys must be SO fit!!
I do love short walks (in cool climates) but that sounds really challenging.
I now live in S.E Asia and it’s SO HOT and humid 🥵 even a walk to the grocery shop at the end of the road fills me with dread. I hope Kit has lots of fun on the walk!
Belfast is definitely a different animal. When they started yesterday morning, it was 8C out (46F), and warming up nicely but never hot. Humidity around 50 percent. Excellent walking conditions. -rc
I haven’t been following the saga, but the idea that you’re “stranded” is absurd. You’re not on a desert island with no food or water…you’re in the second largest city in Ireland. I’d gladly take that.
Exactly! -rc
911 board? I missed something somewhere or my faulty memory dropped it later….
I was the Chairman of our county’s 911 Board (which manages the funds from the surcharge on your phone bill) for 11 years, which body had a seat on the regional board, where Matt was the Executive Director. Not something I talked about much, but there you go. -rc
I’m sorry, but the term “Ireno” is confounding me. I’m sure it’s a reference to something obvious, but I’m missing it. Would you explain it for me?
It’s right here on this page: “We can call it your Ireno,” I said, in a nod to her Camino adventures. -rc
If Kit is going stir crazy already (frustration level or no) how in the world is she going to handle being aboard ship (If/when) she sails? Can’t exactly go “walkabout” in the middle of the ocean. 🙂
“Stir crazy” isn’t included on the page. “Cranky at the wait” is what’s in the first sentence. If we’re on the ship moving from place to place, I don’t see any opportunity to be stir crazy. Even if delayed somewhere, it’s quite unlikely to be 4 months without much ability to go somewhere else for awhile. -rc