Day 1 of Kit and Ric’s “Ireno” ended after 6 hours: “We walked 11 miles today and have stopped for the day,” she texted. “I’m exhausted. We’ve stopped at a sweet B&B and we’ll get dinner here too.”
Reporters: Contact before using resources here, please.
Happy to give fresh interviews.
Readers: The Intro to this series if needed. Enjoy!
Considering Kit didn’t “train” for this adventure, as she does for Caminos, it’s no shock she’s exhausted! It was about 3:30 p.m. local, so they have plenty of time to rest before they set off again tomorrow.
“The interview with the first reporter was fun because she came to us,” she said. The reporter sent me a pic she had found of us, and sent it to me to be sure it was OK to use. Indeed so: I took it of us while on our 3-week side trip to the Canary Islands, which Villa Vie paid for while we’ve been waiting. (“Stranded!” Hah!)
The reporter is making a video of the interviews — first with Kit, then with Ric. I will include any resulting article links in subsequent reports.
“The second [reporter], unfortunately, called while we were on a busy road and it was hard to hear.” But presumably the chat was successful enough.
Kit said Ric’s mapping program got them nicely into the back roads, doing their best to avoid traffic. “We walked up and over a hill using an old road, including the stream crossing” shown in the photo below.
“The mistake we made today was once we left Belfast, there was no place to get coffee or a snack, so when we needed a break we just had to sit on a wall if we could find one, or just on the ground.”
Then, Rest
No rain all day …until after they checked into a B&B, and it rained during dinner. “Irish stew: delicious! We chatted with the innkeepers, Noel and Cathy, for over an hour after dinner. Delightful people! And she helped research the next two places to stay. And after she brought fresh water to drink she told us if we needed anything a long our journey to call them. Now, this couple is what innkeeping is all about.”
Kit ought to know about that: for many years she was a B&B consultant. I know you want to know: The Rocks B&B. Tell them Kit and Randy sent you. 🙂
Even way out in the countryside, she said, the people they ran into know who “the ship people” are! Though one didn’t quite grasp what Residential Cruising is, because she kept saying, “When you get back to America….” I could hear Kit’s grin as she finished: “I had to tell her we’re planning to live on the ship ‘forever,’ and have no ‘home’ to go ‘back’ to! She was flabbergasted (or whatever one might say in Northern Ireland).”
They set out early tomorrow, carrying breakfast from the B&B. Thanks for taking care of them, Noel and Cathy!

Belfast has a Glass of Thrones Trail — “six giant, stained glass windows depicting some of the most iconic scenes” from Game of Thrones, much of it filmed in Northern Ireland. This one is #3, at Odyssey Point (a most apt name after setting forth from our own ship, Odyssey), is this “window dedicated to House Targaryen. As well as an epic picture of [the character] Daenerys riding a fire-breathing dragon, it includes [her brother] Viserys’ unforgettable death by molten gold.”
Walking, even with a partner, is a solitary pursuit: it’s a time to process, be in nature, and just think. Sometimes one takes the lead, and sometimes the other does, but it’s likely they don’t talk much about who does what when.

Kit is very often asked what footwear she relies on for her long walks. I didn’t even ask Kit to take this photo: she simply loves them so much, it’s not at all a surprise that she notices them when she finally sits down.
She not only favors the minimalist Xero Prio * — Xero is a Colorado company that has been a long-time advertiser in This is True — she and I don’t even own any other brand shoes anymore.
And in fact someone asked in the comments on the previous post, so here they are. I wonder if we can talk Xero into hand-delivering a new pair to the ship. Maybe once we get into the Caribbean? Hmmmm!

Total Mileage Today: 11.0
Ric just posted his own first-day report on his own blog.
Good night!
Originally Published September 13, 2024 — Last Updated September 14, 2024
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Awesome. Loving this.
I am glad you are posting the details and pictures of the walkabout! Very interesting.
I was in Belfast last year (on a British Isles Cruise) and went to the Game of Thrones experience. I’d forgotten about the stained glass artwork. We passed by it on the bus and it was mentioned, but I couldn’t see it close up like that.
I did hear that the company isn’t going to be paying for your accommodation anymore. That honestly bothers me more than anything. If they think they can leave in a week, you’d think they would suck it up and cover another week. If they know it’s longer term, then I think you have bigger problems.
From my response to a comment on yesterday’s installment: “Again, a twisted headline-bait story: we are asked to deal with our own reservations as it was too much for staff to continue doing lodging updates. The company has confirmed they will continue to reimburse us as needed.” -rc
Thanks. I wonder if that source I heard it from did his own research or not.
Research? Hell, even “news” sites seem to be mostly a giant game of telephone, starting with a social media post plus spin plus “I heard…”. At least on this topic. -rc
I’ve asked him if he’ll do a retraction / correction. See what happens.
Refreshing walkabout I’d say! Thanks for the report!
Xero Shoes always strives to go above and beyond for our customers so if we HAVE to hand deliver that new pair of shoes to the Caribbean, you bet we will!
It’s not a dirty job but someone has to do it! ☀️😎
You never know — I hear there’s sand all over the Caribbean!
Oh, will Xero shoes even WORK in sand? They must be incredibly versatile! -rc
Wow, such eloquent documentation and courage to take the journey!
“It’s a time to process, be in nature, and just think.”
Sounds healing.
Amazing. Love the adventure.
Katrina is a fellow ship Resident. -rc
I know someone who’s great at making lemonade! Love reading your adventures, Kit!
She is in amazing physical condition, for her age or any other age. I am jealous.
And I can confirm it. -rc
I’m not in great shape, not like I want to be. I have a positive outlook on life — and my commitments. We’re having a blast! I’m pushing myself and listening to my body and limitations. It’s good.
Nobody over 25 is in the shape that they want to be. If you are in a shape, then it’s a good thing. If you’re in a mobile shape where you only hurt moderately and can walk 70 miles in however days it takes, that’s a celebration of who you are. When you make it, and I expect Randy to let us know in caps when you do, I will raise a double toast to those of us who make a decision for the sake of adventure.
Well, maybe not in ALL caps, but yes, I’ll let folks know. I expect it’ll be on schedule, too. -rc
How exciting to get to go along with Kit and Rick! I hope the name of the B&B is mentioned somewhere since they were such great hosts! You never know who might show up in Ireland!
Look again: I linked to their site! 🙂 -rc