During a recent outing, several of us got to talking about the activities we liked to do and looked forward to. Every so often someone would ask if Randy would do a particular activity. Generally the answer was “no,” but not always. One person asked, with a bit of incredulity, why he is even on this cruise.
The Rock
Going to the highest point in town is something I love to do in my travels. I’ve taken cars, cable cars, trams, and elevators to the top — and of course I’ve walked. As we sailed into the Gibraltar harbor on October 20, that memory came to mind, acting as an inspiration to scale that high point, that point known as The Rock of Gibraltar.
Some Dreams are Meant to Be
In 2015, Randy and I discussed that someday, we wanted to retire to a cruise ship — Residential Cruising wasn’t yet a thing.
Kit’s “Ireno”: Can’t Go Yet? Then Go on Walkabout
Kit has been getting cranky at the wait in Belfast, and we got the news that it would be another week before we could board Odyssey and get going on our trip. “I really want to walk,” she said.
We Are Not “Stranded”
Gee, thanks, BBC. They started it — how we’re “stranded” in Belfast.
We Are Pioneers
It didn’t occur to us when we signed up for living on a Residential Cruising ship that we were being pioneers. Maybe we are pioneers in general already, and I just hadn’t considered it.
Why We’re Not Upset at the Delays
We’re still in pause mode: our Residential Cruising ship, which was supposed to sail May 15, still hasn’t sailed. At minimum it will be more than a month of delay — we’re not sure yet. And we’re not upset by that.
Blog #2: Not Only Homeless, We Can’t Even Live In Our Car
When getting ready to move into full-time Residential Cruising, we didn’t just sell our house and Get Rid of all our stuff, making us “homeless” until we could board our ship.
Blog #1: It’s Getting Real
We passed a big milestone this weekend.
When Your Residential Cruise Launch is Delayed
Residential Cruising lines typically advertise a specific date that they will launch. Is it possible that the promised date slips, even at the last minute?
Not only yes, but it’s unfortunately likely.
Selling “Everything” (Part 2)
Some ten years ago I heard of a practice called 5 in 5: get rid of five things every day for five days. Being an overachiever I played the game 10 in 10. LOL! I played that game several times a year, only decluttering my own belongings.
Selling “Everything” (Part 1)
I posted an “Irony Alert” on the front page of the site — that even though we were behind schedule on writing articles for this project, we had to commit all spare time to cleaning out the house because it sold much more quickly than anticipated. Well, we are out, and gearing up to write again! The lesson here can help if you want to try Residential Cruising …or otherwise simplifying your life
“I Could Never Do Residential Cruising”
She grasped immediately all the benefits we’d receive with that lifestyle change — yet she “could never” join us.
5 Questions to Consider for Residential Cruise Living
This is just one more bit of information for you to consume and consider: logistics.